
06 I only find three genera, where are the others?

Marienkaefer 7Pt Schatten

I only find three genera, where are the others?

There are no other genera already registered. But there are enough other apps that offer very detailed information. The basic idea of this app is that you collect information yourself, and only about the genres that really interest YOU.

Not only to vegetables OR flowers, but also fruit trees for example, or perennials, shrubs or whatever. And: you can manage different varieties of a species separately (for example different varieties of tomatoes), also in the diary or in the to-do list. You can manage your garden books (or other sources) and your vegetable or flower beds. All this in 1 app!

The variety of different plants that grow in your garden cannot be predicted. Every garden is different and unique, in one there are many perennials, another has 3 raised beds of vegetables. With this app you can manage EVERYTHING in your garden, collect information about all kinds of plants and also keep a diary of all the plants you have created.


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